News Detail


Nov, 2019

Player Agent Training

This Player Agent has the most important role in Little League.  Managing and being an advocate for the people we are here for - THE PLAYERS.  
If a Player Agent makes a mistake or makes a decision after being under pressure from a manager, coach or even a board member, it could cost the player's eligibility for tournament play or worse, the opportunity to play baseball.  If a league, for example, conducts a draft not mandated within the Little League requirements, a league could be told to redraft up to having tournament privileges revoked.  
This is MANDATORY for any NEW PLAYER AGENT and NEW PRESIDENT in any of the leagues, and very highly recommended for all Player Agents and Presidents.  There are and there is talk of major rule changes that can or will greatly effect the leagues, teams and players for 2020.  
Please RSVP at by Friday 10:00 am.  A small lunch, if I know how many will be attending, will be provided so a count is needed.
The District is required to provide these trainings.  I understand everyone is a volunteer, but district staff us working very hard to provide this very important information.